
  • God's Signature Over the Nation's Capital
  • The Rewriting of America's History
  • A Children's Companion Guide to America's History
  • Great American Statesmen and Heroes
  • The Christian Heritage of our Nation History Book - Landmarks
  • The Christian Heritage of our Nation History Book - Memorials
  • The Christian Heritage of our Nation History Book - U.S. Presidents and Their Churches
  • The Christian Heritage of the 50 United States of America
  • ISRAEL - Covenant Land
  • CALIFORNIA - America's First New England
  • The Dismantling of America's History
  • The Truth about the Founding Fathers of the American Republic
  • Book of Prophecies of Christopher Columbus, Messianic Jew
  • Sir Isaac Newton's Proof of Creationism
  • Patrick Henry, the Great Awakening and Road to the Revolution
  • Ancient Shiloh Tabernacle excavated - Foreshadow of the Messiah
  • THOMAS JEFFERSON – Accuracy vs. Revisionism – An Exposé
  • TRUTH vs. Counterfeit – This is my Story

God's Signature over the Nation's Capital.

"Catherine Millard has devoted herself to a study of the Biblical, Judeo-Christian values which are at the root of our blessed nation. This book, which reflects her Christian Heritage Tours is especially significant at the Bicentennial of the Constitution. Here is the authentic history of the spiritual basis and essence of our national greatness."

- Richard C. Halverson, Chaplain, United States Senate

"Christian Heritage Tours provide information and inspiration for God's people whose faith is their number one priority. Catherine Millard's ministry helps us value and appreciate our nation, where this privilege of faith was a reality not only for our founding parents (mothers and fathers) but continues to be true for us today."

- Colleen Townsend Evans, Author - Speaker - Bible Teacher

"An Historical and Pictorial Review Complete with Directory and Map of Washington, D.C."

As a professional guide and interpreter for the nation's capital, Catherine Millard spent several years at the Library of Congress researching the Christian aspects of the buildings, landmarks, monuments, sculpture, inscriptions, art and artifacts of the One Nation under God. She holds a B.A. In American Studies from George Mason University, an M.A. in Biblical Studies from Capital Bible Seminary, and a D. Min. in Christian Education from Luther Rice College & Seminary.

192 pages.
Cost: $16.00 + $5.00 Shipping and handling.
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The Rewriting of America's History

A forthright exposé of accelerated attempts to remove evidences of Christian heritage in places commemorating national history.

"Catherine Millard points out the frustration that so many Americans feel ... to reclaim our beloved nation from the destructive forces of humanism, secularism, atheism, and false religions, we must first retrieve the true history from those who have almost hidden it beneath an avalanche of lies, distortions, and misinterpretations."

 - D. James Kennedy, Ph.D

"If you are an American - or a friend of America - and care deeply about the spiritual foundation of this glorious land, The Rewriting of America's History may well be one of the most significant books you'll ever read. But be forewarned. You may feel robbed. But most of all, you'll pray. And when you do, you'll be taking the first and best step to help right this tragic wrong that most Americans hardly know is happening."

                                                                                                                                - Dr. Dick Eastman

610 Pages.
Cost: $19.95 + $5.00 Shipping and handling
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A book cover with an image of the capitol building.

A Children's Companion Guide to America's History

Foreword by D. James Kennedy, Ph.D

A history book that you can trust. Taken from original documents, the text and illustrations have been thoroughly researched to ensure accuracy. While particularly good for home schools and Christian schools, this valuable resource is also excellent for parents of public school children. With so many history books having purposely removed any reference to God and Christianity, make sure you are teaching your children the truth!

In this book children will learn:

  • The great Christian landmarks of America's history.
  • The Biblical principles upon which our nation was founded.
  • The true meaning of the First Amendment Clause - Separation of Church and (from interference by) the State.

This book includes:

  • 31 lessons covering the founding period of America
  • Text from original writings and quotations of the founding fathers
  • Illustrations taken from original paintings and sculptures
  • Study questions, assignments and Bible memorization verses related to our nation's Christian history
  • Answers to study questions for teachers and parents
  • Definitions of terms from Noah Webster's original dictionary
  • Bibliographic information
  • Historic guide to Christian heritage sites for school field trips, homeschools, families, and church groups

88 pages.
Cost: $16.00 + $5.00 Shipping and handling
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A child 's companion guide to american history
A children 's companion guide to america 's history

English-Hebrew Translation

Great American Statesmen and Heroes

This is a unique history book. It is a "must" for each and every admirer of America's authentic history. Current history books have purposely removed any mention of the Christian character traits and godliness of America's greatest founding fathers, leaders, statesmen, inventors and heroes. This book covers Discovery, Colonial, Revolutionary War and Civil War periods. Make sure that you know the truth!

Great American Statesmen and Heroes is the fourth book in Catherine Millard's insightful series on America's Christian history. This carefully researched and documented text is a valuable resource for Christian school teachers, homeschoolers and concerned Christians everywhere. Included are texts from original writings, documents, quotations, an extensive bibliography and more. Illustrated.

Covers the lives of Christopher Columbus, Pocahontas, William Bradford, Roger Williams, William Penn, Samuel Adams, George Washington, Nathan Hale, John Adams, Thomas Jefferson, James Madison, Benjamin Franklin, Patrick Henry, Caesar Rodney, Noah Webster, Daniel Webster, and many others - 39 in all.

309 pages.
Cost: $16.00 + $5.00 Shipping and handling
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A book cover with the words " american statesmen and heroes ".

The Christian Heritage of our Nation History Book - Landmarks

Students will learn:

  • Great Christian landmarks of America's history
  • The Christian character traits, virtues, values, and morals upon which our nation was founded
  • The Biblical principles undergirding our unique Republic under God.

Excellent for Christian schools, homeschools and parents. Written for 12 years old upwards, 10 lessons, 32 class sessions, teachers' guides, pupils' guides and 76 illustrations taken from great master artists. Comprises original documents, writings, and addresses, including:

  • Christopher Columbus' Christianity
  • George Washington's Prayers: his addresses to the churches
  • The Declaration of Independence, U.S. Constitution, and Bill of Rights
  • George Mason's Virginia Declaration of Rights
  • The Ten Commandments engraved in national landmarks
  • U.S. presidents' inaugural Scriptures and their family Bibles

The Christian character traits and godliness of America's greatest founders, leaders, statesmen, inventors, and heroes having been purposefully removed from most U.S. history books - make sure that you teach your students the truth!

260 pages.
Cost: $24.95 + $5.00 Shipping and handling
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A book cover with an image of people in the background.

The Christian Heritage of our Nation History Curriculum - Memorials

Students will learn:

  • Great Christian memorials to the founders of America
  • The true meaning of Separation of Church and (from interference by) the State
  • The founding fathers' true Christian identity ... and much more

Written for 12 years old upwards, 10 lessons, 32 class sessions, teachers' guides, pupils' guides, and 56 illustrations taken from original great master sculptures, historical sites and architectural themes. Original documents, writings, and addresses of the Founding Fathers, including:

  • Abraham Lincoln's "The Believer's Daily Treasure" devotional
  • George Washington's hand-written prayers; his 14 letters to the Churches
  • Washington's "110 Rules of Civility and Decent Behaviour in Company and Conversation"
  • Robert E. Lee's Proclamation of a Day of Prayer, Fasting and Humiliation
  • Thomas Jefferson's Danbury Baptist letter on Separation of Church (from interference by) the States; his official anti-slavery addresses and prohibitions
  • Martin Luther's 95 theses

Excellent for use by Christian schools, homeschools and parents.

260 pages.
Cost: $24.95 + $5.00 Shipping and handling
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A book cover with a picture of a flag flying.

The Christian Heritage of our Nation History Curriculum - U.S. Presidents and Their Churches

Students will learn:

  • The original words and deeds of great Christian presidents of the U.S.
  • Thomas Jefferson's original, handwritten Declaration of Independence (with its Anti-Slavery clause)
  • Evidence of Abraham Lincoln's true Christianity; his handwritten Gettysburg Address
  • Teaching Critical Analysis and Reflective Thinking - an exposé of revisionist U.S. history books

249 pages.
Cost: $24.95 + $5.00 Shipping and handling
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A book cover with an image of a person in a cage.

The Christian Heritage of the 50 United States of America

This book comprises the Christian heritage of the 50 United States of America inherent in their State Constitutions, seals, insignias, Bibles, mottos, songs, hymns, coats of arms, flags, historical records, anecdotes, and memorabilia. In addition, it includes numerous States' greatest heroes and heroines chosen to represent them in the U.S. Capitol's National Hall of Fame. Many of these distinguished persons were pastors, evangelists and missionaries.

Do you know ...

  • Who wrote the Pledge of Allegiance to our flag?
  • From what famous sermon does "Under God" originate?
  • That all 50 State Constitutions glorify God?
  • Which preacher of the Gospel had "In God We Trust" engraved on our U.S. currency?
  • Which State motto, chosen by a sixth-grade student, is from Matthew 19:26?
  • Which one of the original 13 States based its motto on Psalm 80?
  • That the Mississippi State Constitution prohibits the removal of the Holy Bible from her public schools?
  • Whose Hall of Fame Hero is called "The Fighting Parson?"

You'll find these and many other interesting facts about your 50 United States in this unique volume. You'll be excited as you discover the authentic identity of each State, expressed in the original sources of America's history.

339 pages.
Cost: $16.00 + $5.00 Shipping and handling
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A book cover with an american flag and the words " christian heritage of the 5 0 united states of america ".

ISRAEL - Covenant Land

The author traces God’s covenant with Israel from Scripture, giving credence to the permanency of “The Ancient Home of the People of the Bible.” This book contains reproductions of over twenty rare and ancient maps, over a hundred magnificent illustrations, photographs, and amazing archeological discoveries of recent years, from original historic research conducted both on-site in Israel, and at the Library of Congress of the United States. Events preceding Israel’s Declaration of Independence and her rebirth as a sovereign nation on May 14, 1948, are also documented.

305 pages.
Cost: $17.00 + $5.00 Shipping and handling
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A statue of jesus is shown in the sky.


One of the greatest defects seen in our days is the lack of home and school instruction in Bible History.  Widespread ignorance exists concerning the facts, persons, places and sequences of the pre-Mosaic, Israelite and New Testament accounts.  This book is invaluable for parents and teachers, in developing the soul of youth by the study of the pure depths of holy History.  To achieve the best results, both memorizing Scripture and reviewing are necessary.  The “Story” is the student’s part of the lesson. The “Review” and “Notes” assist both student and teacher.  52 lessons; over 60 magnificent illustrations capturing the biblical narrative, and 750 Bible words and terms explained by the “Notes.”

193 pages.
Cost: $16.00 + $5.00 Shipping and handling
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A book cover with an image of jesus and the apostles.

CALIFORNIA - America's First New England

"The first New England did not begin at Jamestown or at Plymouth Rock, nor did it border on the Atlantic Ocean. It is claimed for Alta California and the North Pacific coast...It was on a June day in 1579...that Francis Drake sailed the Golden Hinde into "a conuenient and fit harborough" long believed to be what is known as Drake's Bay, some thirty miles north of the Golden Gate. There he took formal possession of the land for Queen Elizabeth, naming it Nova (New) Albion. - Rockwell D. Hunt, Ph.D. - "dean of California historians."

Who were the "Four Missionary Founders" laying the foundations for the 31st State to join the Union, and establishing the Christian College of California, Berkeley, alias the University of California? They came on the California, first steamship to enter the Golden Gate, in 1849. This book proves, from California's original hidden history, how "God's rush" to the Pacific Coast preceded the official news of the discovery of gold.

170 pages.
Cost: $16.00 + $5.00 Shipping and handling
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A book cover with an old picture of a town and ships.

The Dismantling of America's History

"70 STATE PARKS TO SHUT.  HISTORICAL CAPITAL MANSIONS FACE CLOSURE IN 2012!"  So read front page news headlines in 2011, shocking Americans nationwide.  The legacy and enduring impact of these valuable historic landmarks, and their immeasurable contribution to the social, cultural and educational development of the entire country is at stake.
To dismantle and erase these historic landmarks, some of which contain evidence of America's rich Christian heritage and history, would be akin to removing the nation's unique significance and contributions form her own people, as well as effacing her identity in the eyes of the world.  This book captures in depth, the historic treasure-trove at stake.
114 pages.
Cost:  $16.00 + $5.00 Shipping and handling.
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A book cover with two pictures of an old house.

The Truth about the Founding Fathers of the American Republic

     Is it true that George Washington and James Madison were Freemasons?  Did Thomas Jefferson write his own bible?  Were Banjamin Franklin and John Adams deists?  Did the American founding fathers - signers of the Declaration of Independence and United States Constitution - base their philosophy and beliefs upon the European "Enlightenment," and deism?  The general media, including modern-day textbook versions, and foremost national historic sites' exhibits, have portrayed the founders of the American Republic in a revisionist, derogatory manner, alien to their true identity.

George Washington wrote that he had "never presided over any (Freemasonic) Lodge in the United States," and that he had been in one, "only once or twice in thirty years."  James Madison stated, "I never was a Mason, and no one, perhaps, could be more a stranger to the principles, rites and fruits of the Institution."  Thomas Jefferson did not "write his own bible" - his family Bible (King James 1611 Authorized), being his own personal Bible, as shown in this book.  Benjamin Franklin, a member of Christ Church, Philadelphia, founded the College of Philadelphia, choosing as his first Provost a Minister of the Gospel.  John Adams drafted the 1780 Constitution of Massachusetts, which authorizes the legislature "to make provision for the support and maintenance of public Protestant teachers of piety, religion and morality."  In 1775, Benjamin Franklin, with Benjamin Rush, M.D., founded the first Anti-Slavery Society, becoming its two early presidents.
Benjamin Rush wrote "A Defense of the Use of the Bible in Schools," in 1791.  The Founding Fathers of the American Republic based their philosophy and beliefs upon Scripture, which precludes the atheistic "Enlightenment" and deism.416 pages

Cost:  $19.95 + $5.00 Shipping and handling.
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A book cover with an image of the founding fathers.

Book of Prophecies of Christopher Columbus, Messianic Jew

Columbus' original Book of Prophecies manuscript, which lay practically unknown and obscure for five centuries, proves that his primary allegiance was to God and not to gold, as some modern-day history books have indicated. His vision and burden remained the same - "to bring the gospel to unknown coastlands." Furthermore, he was a Messianic Jew. His son, Ferdinand Columbus discloses his father's hidden identity in his book on the life and actions of Admiral Cristobal Colon, and his discovery of the New World. Columbus' Book of Prophecies' Scripture quotations being from the Latin Bible, the oldest Old and New Testament translations into English (1609 and 1582, respectively), housed in the Rare Book Collection of the Library of Congress, were utilized. Columbus' inclusion of a letter from Rabbi Samuel of Israel (a Messianic Jew), to Rabbi Isaac of the Synagogue of Morocco (later to become a Messianic Jew), sheds further light on the Jewish roots of Cristobal Colon.204 pages. Original manuscript. English/Hebrew translations.

Cost:  $19.95 + $5.00 Shipping and handling.

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A book cover with an image of christopher columbus.
A book cover with an image of a woman and map

Sir Isaac Newton's Proof of Creationism

Sir Isaac Newton (1642-1727) was a genius in the realm of Science. His discoveries of the System of the Universethe Law of GravityMathematical Principles of Natural Philosophya New Calculusthe Parabolic CurveOptics – A Treatise of Light and the Reflecting Telescope, among many others, revolutionized the world. His genius extended to an understanding of the force exercised by the sun and the moon, causing Tides. Newton’s amazing discoveries led him to conclude that there was “a very First Cause;” “A Supernatural Power;” “A Creator;” “A Being Incorporeal, Living, Intelligent, Omnipresent” who created the Universe, men and women; as well as animals in their species, maintaining his creation by “Divine Power.” His Observations on the Apocalypse of St. John the Evangelist in relation to Daniel’s prophecies of the Messiah, and the End Times are insightful and profound. A scholar of the Bible, the last ten years of Newton’s life were spent studying the Scriptures. His Theological Notebook discloses an adherence to, and acknowledgment of God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit. Sir Isaac Newton’s Proof of Creationism reveals that Science and the Bible are totally compatible.

100 pages.
Cost:  $16.00 + $5.00 shipping and handling.

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A book cover with an image of the earth.

Patrick Henry, the Great Awakening and Road to the Revolution

Patrick Henry, the "Voice of the Revolution" was not only the greatest orator of the nation, but a product of the "Great Awakening" of the 1730's - '40's, his oratory igniting the American Revolution.   He was the leading Virginia statesman in defending the rights of Colonial America.  Henry's mother took her 11-year-old son to listen to the sermons of Rev. Samuel Davies, founder of the "Great Awakening," at the first licensed non-Anglican Meeting House in Virginia, from 1747. Rev. Davies became Patrick Henry's mentor.


This book includes: 

Numerous original hand-written documents of American history; Great Master paintings; illustrations, maps; "Great Awakening" sermons of George Whitefield and Rev. Samuel Davies; and irrefutable evidence that the American Republic stemmed from the Protestant Christian "Great Awakening," securing her civil and religious liberties, including "Separation of Church from government control."  And much more...

166 pages.

Cost:  $16.00 + $5.00 Shipping and handling.

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A picture of the cover of the book.

Ancient Shiloh Tabernacle excavated - Foreshadow of the Messiah

The children of Israel entered the Promised Land after forty years of wandering in the wilderness. Shiloh was chosen as the site for the people's Tabernacle, where it remained for 369 years - the historic period from Joshua to Judges.  The exact direction, length and width of ancient Shiloh

Tabernacle courtyard, as described in the Bible (Exodus 27: 9-13; 18) has recently been excavated.


This book describes, the Holy Feasts of Israel; the Hebrew Priesthood; the Tabernacle's typology fulfilled in the Messiah, foretold by the prophets Isaiah, Zechariah - and the Messianic Psalms; and the importance of the Tables of the Covenant (Ten Commandments) in the Ark of the Covenant.

It vividly portrays ancient Shiloh - City of the Tabernacle; as well as the Tabernacle of the Wilderness, restored on site where it was first constructed by Moses, fifteen miles from the Red Sea. A thrilling experience!  Researched and photographed on site in Israel.


168 pages - full colour


Cost:  $19.95 + $5.00 Shipping and handling.

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Two books side by side with a picture of the same book.

THOMAS JEFFERSON – Accuracy vs. Revisionism – An Exposé

A forthright exposé of the insidious media war to defame the character and reputation of Thomas Jefferson, founder of America’s civil and religious liberties. Jefferson’s republican creed of self-government is diametrically opposed to 21st century atheistic Marxism permeating the United States today. It’s aim? The eradication of this nation’s foundational heritage and history, richly recorded in original documents and memorialized throughout her fifty United States.

This book unveils the hidden campaign in museum instruction and revisionist literature to destroy America’s sovereignty.

“Socialism of any type leads to a total destruction of the
human spirit…to destroy a people you must first sever their
roots.” – Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn

330 pages
Cost: $19.95 + $5.00 Shipping and handling
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A statue of thomas jefferson in front of a wall.

TRUTH vs. Counterfeit – This is my Story

Communist officials have long understood the need to reach the youth of a nation in order to bring about a Social Revolution. This was done through the rewriting of textbook curricula, focusing particularly upon history, in order to redirect impressionable young minds. In Hitler’s Germany it was JUGEND (Youth Government Organization); in Romania, UNIUNEA TINERETULUI COMUNIST (Communist Youth League); in Hungary, KOMMUNISTA ISJUSAGI SZOVETSEG (Hungarian Association of Communist Youth). The results were identical – millions who embrace the false philosophy of Marxism.

Today, there has been a subtle, but carefully orchestrated movement in the United States to gain control of the minds of youth, teaching them a revisionary, Godless, anti-patriotic history of America, devoid of its true identity. In this compelling eye-witness account, you will find documentation of how Karl Marx’s agenda was implemented within every facet of American society, arming you with knowledge. The author now unveils her life’s story – and how God enabled her to discover the treasonous campaign of hidden operatives in positions of power, expunging this nation’s Christian foundations in order to remove its sovereignty.

515 Pages.
Cost: $24.95 + $5.00 Shipping and handling
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A poster of the american flag with text that reads " truth vs. Counterfeit."