
October 1st, 2020

I pray God's blessing on you and all that you put your hand to do. You are very important to the preservation of Christian heritage in this nation. Every day when I teach in my American Government Class, in my History Class, I refer to your work.

Thank you so much.

Mrs. J., History Teacher
Spearfish Classical Christian School

September 17, 2019

Dr. Millard,

Thank you so much for speaking at Freedom Christian School. Your wealth of knowledge of our history is a treasure to our country. We gained so much insight into the Christian foundations of America. Knowing the history of those who pledged "their lives, fortunes and sacred honor" brings a gratitude and patriotism to our hearts. Thank you for all that you do to keep the truth alive.  Keep up your kingdom work of"creating a reservoir of truth" in the minds and hearts of our future leaders.

Freedom Christian School

November, 2009

Dear Catherine,

I wanted to express my sincere gratitude for your presentation at the Calvary Christian School on November 3. I went away so extremely moved by the truth of our Godly heritage. Even though I have always known that America was founded on Christ, I have never known just how deeply committed to the proclamation of the gospel the very early discoverers, explorers and settlers were. It inspired me at a very deep level and renewed my zeal for getting out the truth of America's real heritage.

The godly lives of all who played a pivotal role in our nation should be heralded from the roof tops as it defines who we are as a people, encourages us to fight the good fight of faith no matter what the odds against us, and motivates us to continue to stand guard over and fight for the great liberties won by the heroic men and women of faith who have gone before us. I hope your information is getting out to the masses with an ever greater frequency and will do my part to spread the word. Thank you for what you have done and what you are doing to reclaim America's Christian heritage.

May God richly bless you!
D. M.
South Dakota

December 10, 2018

Dear Catherine,

You have been such a great blessing to hundreds and thousands. God richly bless you!

B. & E. B.

Indianapolis, Indiana

History Classes Receive Special Visitor

Mrs. Neilson's 6th and 8th grade history classes were treated to a very special visitor last month: Dr. Catherine Millard, Christian author and head of Christian Heritage Ministries. Dr. Millard discussed her most recent book, entitled Sir Isaac Newton's Proof of Creationism. Students were treated to a summary of the book which refutes modern claims that Newton was a Deist who didn't believe in the Trinity.  The compelling book challenges readers to carefully evaluate current historical accounts (such as those found on the Internet) and to return to original documents to ensure they are not misled by revisionism...It was during her research that she became aware of and greatly disturbed by the fact that American history was being rewritten by revisionists who were methodically removing all traces of Christianity. This discovery led her to her lifetime work, emphasizing the original documents of history and making sure that Americans don't forget the rich Christian heritage of their country.  She has spent hours researching the original documents of our nation's history in the Rare Book Collection of the Library of Congress and she has authored books on this subject.
Her first book, entitled God's Signature over the Nation's Capital, led her to found a ministry called Christian Heritage Tours. This ministry leads tours explaining the rich Christian history in the architecture, statues, and artwork of our nation's capital and other historic locations. She also spear-headed a nationwide initiative that created a Christian Heritage Week in all 50 States. It was a real privilege to have Dr. Millard visiting and instructing some of our history classes during Maryland's Christian Heritage Week this past month.

Mount Airy Christian Academy
February 16, 2017

February 5, 2015

I just wanted to thank you again for coming out to speak with us. Interestingly, next week we will be covering the "Jefferson bible," which even our Bob Jones Curriculum has wrong. I will be using your book to add context to the discussion. Also, I am of the opinion that you are a national treasure as well. Your life stories should be written in a biographical fashion for readers today, telling the journey of how you made each of these amazing discoveries...including the one about the Stained-glass windows which have been removed from Christ Church, Philadelphia. They could hear about your journey and be inspired to follow you in searching out the historical documents themselves. I think you have an amazing story and someone should tell it to the world!

Some things for you to think about!

Sincerely in His Service,

Mount Airy Christian Academy

Middle School History

We would like to extend our appreciation for all the time and effort you have contributed in making the 2004 conference successful. Your expertise and talents have impacted many lives. Thanks for supporting the MPE families.


The 2004 Conference Committee

and The Midwest Parent Educators'

Board of Directors

August 19, 2015

Dear Catherine,

It was such a blessing speaking with you today regarding your book, "A Children's Companion Guide to America's History." I had ordered it many years ago, and ran across it yesterday, and spent a delightful afternoon re-reading it. How amazing it would be if all our precious children in America could come to know and understand the Biblical foundation of our beloved America. The encouragement to memorize Scriptures included in this book is so important. How I pray for God's mercy, and that He will send a moving of His Spirit across our land. Thank you for your contribution in informing our children (and adults) of the truth about the spiritual heritage we have. May God bless your work and service for Him.


Mrs. D.

Birmingham, AL

February 11, 2015

Dear Dr. Millard:

We appreciate so much your presenations at our school today. We look forward to using your publications to enrich our curriculum.

We wish you well in your ministry and pray that the hearts and minds of children everywhere across this great nation will be open to discover the truth about its foundations.


Thomas R. Snell, Jr.


Anderson Christian School

Dear Catherine,

Enclosed are the workshop evaluations from the 2012 Home Educators of Virginia Convention "Home Education: Touching the Heart." Thank you for making this year's convention a success and know that your work for HEAV is truly appreciated.

In Him,


Convention Director

What I liked about this workshop:

"Extremely knowledgeable! Fascinating and critically important Presentation. Recommended for Young Adults and Pre-Teens."

"I loved what you taught us about Christopher Columbus being a Messianic Jew and his heart for spreading the gospel. Now I look at his voyages as mission trips. Please come back next year and teach more!"

"This is an extremely important topic and all of us need to learn this. She is very informed and has done an extremely good presentation."

"Speaker is very knowledgeable."

"Everyone needs to hear this amazing information about our TRUE American history!"

"Very well organized."

"Very informative."

"Opened my eyes. Have heard that things have been omitted from Christian/American history. Here's the proof."


"Astonishingly informative."

"Please have her again! Extremely well done and informative!"

"Scholarly insight, appreciate speaker's love for God and Truth."

"Thanks for sharing America's true foundation!"


"I attended ALL of Catherine's workshops and cannot say enough good things about her presentations."

"I just love it all!"

October 20, 2012

Dear Dr. Millard,

Thank you for your presentation last week. Several teachers commented that our students identified a wide variety of "learnings" from the presentation. Your enthusiasm/passion and expertise was apparent.

God's blessings,

J. B.

Executive Director/Principal

Valley High School

Dear Catherine,

I thoroughly enjoyed listening to your workshops at the Midwest Parent Educators Conference in Overland Park, Kansas, April 16 and 17, 2004. I am looking forward to reading your book. Again, enjoyed your seminars and the wealth of your knowledge.



Kansas City.

March 18, 2000

Dear Catherine,

Thank you for coming to the Educational Policy Conference and sharing your love for our nation and our children. Thank you for showing how Christian curriculum has been corrupted.

Your books are so very helpful. Thank you again,

In His service,

Donna Hearne


Vonette Bright

December 7, 1988

Dear Catherine,

Thank you for your book, God's Signature over the Nation's Capital. I will look forward to studying it in more detail. I am so alarmed over the things you were telling me about the disappearance of our Christian heritage when we are so unaware of it happening. I do hope to get the copy of the video from Jim Kennedy.



October 28, 1988

Catherine Millard

Christian Heritage Tours, Inc.

6597 Forest Dew Court

Springfield, Virginia 22152

Dear Catherine,

Several Sundays ago, I was very impressed with your segment of the program from Coral Ridge Ministries. I wrote them inquiring about a copy of your book, and asking of a Video Tape of your revealing the removal of so many of our religious heritage artifacts from our nation's capital.

Coral Ridge Ministries referred me directly to you.

Do you have available the Video Tape of that program? I would also like to obtain a copy of your book, God's Signature over the Nation's Capital.

As Constitution Chairman of our DAR Chapter, I have been involved in lthe 200th celebration of the Constitution, and am therefore very interested in what you are doing, and what you were telling about our capital.

This is a grave concern.



San Augustine, TX

March 29, 1988

Dear Catherine,

Several years ago I saw you being interviewed on the "700 Club" program, and determined then that taking your tour was a "must" the next time I visited Washington, D.C.

Could you let me know what tours are available, and how much they are.

Is it possible that you might have tapes available of your Christian Heritage Tours? 

With deep appreciation for your tremendous contribution in emphasizing the spiritual foundations of our government.


Mrs. R.S.


Dear Catherine,

We want to thank you for taking time to come to our school and speak concerning the rich religious heritage of our United States. You have reminded us how very privileged we are to have the founding fathers that we had. Their desire to found our nation on the truths of god should encourage our congressmen to once again follow the leading of our Heavenly Father.

Your slide presentation made us feel as though we have taken a trip to our nation's capital. The monuments were beautiful!

We are grateful for you and your ministry. You have awakened us to the fact that we need to take a hard look at the direction that our legislature is taking us and return our priorities to letting God guide us.

Thank you again for coming. What an honor it was for us!


Rev. TB


Grand Prairie Evangelical Methodist

Church and Christian School

It was such a joy to be able to interview you while we were at the conference in Gulf Shores, Alabama. I want to thank you for the use of the tapes that I featured for two days on our radio stations.

Thank you so much for your clear presentation on the Christian history of America and the wonderful stories of our forefathers.

May God bless you and your ministry.


Dr. C.O.G.


Trinity Baptist Church

Miss Catherine Millard,

Thank you for taking time out to lecture here in the Spring. I was enrolled in United States Social and Intellectual during the Spring and attended your lecture on the Rewriting of America's History. Your explanation of the planned attempt to move America from her Christian foundation by taking God out of school textbooks and historical teachings made a deep impression on my consciousness. The more that I think about what you said the more I am impressed with the significance and relevance for my studies and profession. I desire to know more about this and be in a position to act.

I plan to be a secondary level social studies teacher and could not do without the information in your book that I am reading, The Rewriting of America's History. I will undoubtedly need more of your books and videos for my future students.

Thank you again for coming. It really has made a difference in my studies. When I am a teacher, one of the first things that I would like to do is make plans to have you come and speak to my class. God bless you!

Marilyn Newborn

Oral Roberts University

Valley Christian School

Northampton, MA

Dear Miss Millard,

We at Valley Christian School deeply appreciate your willingness to visit our school to teach us about our precious American Christian heritage.

We as Christians need to be reminded and taught about our country's Biblical foundations. Your slides and program were excellently presented; you held each child's attention completely.

May God continue to richly bless your ministry.

Sincerely in Christ,

C. W., Principal

Milford School District


The presentation that was given by Dr. Catherine Millard was very enlightening and informative. Various aspects were covered concerning Christopher Columbus and the reason for his voyage, as well as information on Abraham Lincoln and George Washington. An overwhelming amount of significant history was covered with the original documents as evidence of [the] truth. Information on the Trojan Horse, Caeser Rodney, and Pocahontas were also discussed.

Many of the students were... full of excitement at the end of the presentation. The material was very informative, interesting, and stimulating to the mind. This type of information can cause one to become more interested in researching their history.

The material was very well presented, and I was as impressed as the students. This presentation is an excellent opening for any student to become more interested in research.

P. W.

6th Grade Teacher

Delmar School District

Delmar, Delaware

Dear Dr. Millard and Mrs. Hewitt,

I want to take this opportunity to thank you for allowing me to sit in on your presentation to Mrs. Melvin's history class at Delmar High School this morning. I have heard many positive reflections in the past, but never had the opportunity to hear it myself.

It is always enlightening to come away with knowledge when someone speaks, but I had no idea I would learn so much in such a short time. In the half hour I spent with you, I learned a number of aspects about United States and Delaware early history that I never had understood before. From Caesar Rodney to Betsy Ross to George Washington and Patrick Henry, you portrayed critical elements that actually changed the course of our beginnings, leading us to the wonderful freedoms we enjoy today. Further, as you so vividly portray, these were people of high moral character and values, something we are working hard to instill in our students today.

Please feel free to come back and share with Delmar your knowledge and experience whenever you are available; and, again, thank you for contributing to the students and community.

G. S., Ed. D


Houston Baptist University

Dear Catherine,

It was great to have you on campus. I believe your visit here, along with your books and tapes, will have a long term impact.

Thank you for all you do to advance the Kingdom of God.

J. W. Assistant Vice President, Church Relations

Dear Dr. Millard:

It was a privilege and delight to sit in on your lectures at First Baptist Church in Red Bank, and at our church's school, Maranatha Christian Academy. (You may remember me as visiting with my home-schooling family). Thank you for sacrificing your earthly treasures of time and money to warn Christian Americans of the dangers that threaten our great nation, and for advancing the Kingdom of our Lord Jesus Christ with boldness and joy.

Since reading The Rewriting of America's History, I have been encouraging others to purchase and read it as well. With the book, Great American Statesmen and Heroes, I have gained a clearer understanding of the battle which is taking place in our country, and the need for Christians to be equipped to speak boldly against the foes of America's Constitutional Republic, Christian history, and the family unit. (Of course, our real foe is that deceiver Satan).

I desire to share this information with others and will have opportunities in the very near future with several key people. May I have permission to reproduce your Original Conclusion for distribution to a select group of individuals including further information about your books as special historical resources? My desire is to inform, warn and awaken believers to those dangers described in your books, challenging them to walk in "good works, which God hath before ordained that we should walk in them"...(Ephesians 2:10).

As Co-laborer in Christ,


October 14, 2001

Dr. Catherine Millard,

My name is Thomasyne Nobles. My son, Will, and I came to Jackson upon the invitation of Senator White to hear you speak.

[read more]

We were with the homeschool group from Hattiesburg, Mississippi. My son is studying first grade material and this is our second year to homeschool. I am so thankful to Senator White for bringing you to speak to students and parents in Mississippi. I am also very thankful to you for your work and your commitment to Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior. Two weeks prior to Will starting Kindergarten at a private Christian school, I could not get peace in my heart about sending him to school. When I withdrew him and made the choice to homeschool I found peace in my soul. As I undertake this journey I am discovering more reasons why the Lord Jesus called me to do this. And Wednesday, October 10, 2001, I received another confirmation while listening to you. It is the truth that I am trying to teach. And I knew in my heart in spite of the corrupt government leaders and the open oppression of Christian values in our country, that there was truth somewhere.

Thank you for listening to your call and being obedient to the Lord Jesus. Thank you for revealing the truth in our history, in our founding fathers, in the making our great nation. What you shared inspired me, confirmed me and game me hope. My 6 year old son was also taken by your words. He requested to incorporate "A Children's Companion Guide to America's History" and "The Christian Heritage of Our Nation History Curriculum - National Memorials" into our history and geography studies. He is also eager to view the video "The Rewriting of America's History - Volume One" before bedtime.

Because of the attacks on America by terrorists, I have had many opportunities to discuss subjects about our God, our great nation and the meaning of freedom and how it came to be with my son. As I listened to your, I felt a strong sense of urgency for Will and for all children to learn and know the truth concerning those who founded our land of the free. I don't want him to be deceived. I do want Will to be able to defend himself against those who distort the truth with lies. I have been trying to help him understand how important it is to hide God's truth, His word, in his heart. I have shared with Will in scripture how Jesus overcame Satan's temptation by quoting the word of God. Now I understand it is also true of our country's original history. I hope to teach Will how to find the truth through the "words" of our leaders that founded this country. On that day as you shared with us the words of our founding fathers it gave me hope that our nation will continue to be blessed.

Thank you for signing Will's book. The next morning we looked up each scripture reference that you wrote down for him. It meant so much to me. The scriptures opened discussions with him about many subjects including the importance of having Jesus in his heart. We are going to discuss with him further before he makes a public profession, but I wanted to share that with you.

Thank you again, Dr. Millard. I hope this letter also offers you encouragement in your work and service to our God Almighty and our Lord Jesus Christ.

In the love of Christ,

Thomasyne Nobles
24 Burkhalter Rd.
Sumrall, MS 39482

Dear Dr. Millard:

Greetings in the name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. I really enjoyed listening to you on the American Family Radio program. I listen to KBDE out of Waco, Texas. I am currently serving a 20 year sentence in state prison.

[read more]

Several months ago, I was placed in Administrative Segregation for allegedly being a gang member. I'm locked down in a cell by myself for 24 hours a day and do thankfully have a radio so I can listen to AFR, which just so happens to be the only Christaian station that I can get because my radio is FM, only and for some reason, I can't pick up any other Christian stations.

I gave my life to Jesus several years ago, but took it back a couple times if you can understand that. Well, after hearing your testimony, maybe you cannot. However, for some of us like myself, seem unable to keep our eyes on Christ and are drawn back to the world and its vices. I guess the parable of the seed sewn among the thorns is applicable in my case. Anyway, I have been running from God for a very long time. Finally, He has me in a place of my own making where I can no longer run and He has my complete attention. I've rededicated my life to Christ and asked Jesus back into my life to be my Lord and Savior and am daily picking up my cross to follow Him. I know that every time I stumble, and I do often in here, that He is ever faithful to pick me back up.

There are several brothers in Christ here, on my row and we all could use reading materials for learning and encouragement, but most of all to pass the time. This we have plenty of and I have the lesson of us all.

We were all shocked to hear about that the textbooks we learned from in school are not correct? That just blew my mind! How could the public allow something like that to happen? I remember learning all about Darwinism and believed all that until I came to know God's Word. Now that I know what I do, I don't understand why Christian parents don't force them to include creation in the textbooks. There is absolutely no evidence to even support Darwin's theory of evolution. I don't know - maybe them teaching me that I evolved from an ape made me act like one. I doubt that, but I certainly was not a very nice guy out there in the free world. I just wanted you to know that I am a very guilty sinner, who is truly born again.

What I would like to ask from you is a copy of the books you have written. The prison staff in here do not handle our property with much care and stuff gets damaged all the time from "shakedowns" where they go through everything with a fine tooth comb looking for things we are not supposed to have. So if you have books that are damaged with or without covers, they would be ideal and I am pretty sure would be considered a charitable contribution. Anything you're able to send would be a real blessing to me and those around me and will surely be shared around. I am very much into history and hope that you will be able to send your books so we can learn our Christian heritage and American history.

May God richly bless you, and ministry. Thank you for your time and consideration.

In Christ's love,
DD, Texas


December 14, 2020

Dear Dr. Millard,

I celebrate how God has used you as His instrument to convey His story through the lives of God's people from long ago, roots almost forgotten, preserved by you in such an outstanding way.

Thank you for blessing me with the actual books. Your latest "Thomas Jefferson" in 2020 is part of the exposure you gave my family and others who benefitted from your guidance, opening doors to the past we didn't realize existed. Again, thank you.

The communists have taken over the Democratic Party. I first was exposed to their efforts in the early 1950's. My Mother, a housewife, and my Father, H. A., concerned about good fundamental schooling in Pasadena in the late 1940's, began my family's fight for America here in California schools.

In 1956, Mother wrote about Pasadena schools and the education these people were establishing in her book, "Education or Indoctrination." You have preserved the evidence of what we Americans need to hear and learn about the actual Christian roots.

Your books will help our community to learn and then apply what you have saved for all of us.

Respectfully yours,

H. A., California.

September 22nd, 2020

I really enjoyed your latest article on Statuary Hall. There is sin in the camp. We have been worshipping Baal. Grace is our overdue longsuffering from judgment.

R.T., New Jersey.

October 25, 2018

Dear Dr. Millard,

Thanks so much for sending me a copy of your new book on Patrick Henry. That was so thoughtful of you. I look forward to reading it, and I hope many others in this day of political ignorance and confusion will read it and learn about the Christian foundations of our great nation. Your work is so vital, and you have been so faithful in it. Thank you for your service to our Lord and to our nation.

May God bless you with many more years of health and continued productivity.

Yours for Him,
Jim Kinnebrew
Dean and Professor of Theology
Luther Rice College and Seminary
Atlanta, Georgia

Idaville United Brethren In Christ Church
Idaville, PA. 17337

October 17, 1985

Dear Catherine,

I hope this finds you, and finds you well. For some reason you were on my mind today and I picked up my alumni directory. I hope you remember me. I was one of the young seminarians you befriended at Capital. 

I was a prison chaplain for a while and almost two years ago now, joined a small denomination and took one of their churches. We live in the mountains above Gettysburg, Pa. in the Orchards, a picturesque little town and church. We run about 110 on a Sunday morning. S.W. is pastoring a large church in Texas. D.O. is pastoring in N.Y. and K.W. is ready to leave for the Middle East with wife and baby as missionaries. 

I wanted to tell you something that during our hectic times in school slipped my mind. I really appreciated the way you befriended us and encouraged us, during those brutal senior year months. Your smile and encouragement and prayers for us really kept me going. I still have the small gift you gave us for graduation. Thank you for that friendship and influence when we were so far from it. I'm sure God is blessing your life and ministry.
In Christ,

S.J. '82 - Capital Sem.

Author Describes God's Signature Over the Nation's Capital
By David Becker

Beltsville, Maryland.
Catherine Millard, founder of Christian Heritage Tours, Inc., autographed copies of her 192-page volume, God's Signature Over the Nation's Capital: Evidence of Your Christian Heritage, at the Greater Washington Christian Education Association Convention.

Miss Millard comments, "In the earliest documentation we have on record at the Library of Congress of the United States, up through approximately 50 to 60 years ago, Christianity is woven into the warp and woof of this nation's history. The framers of the Constitution turned to Scripture and prayer for guidance in formulating a new system of government, while most of America's greatest leaders, statesmen and inventors gave all glory to Almighty God, as the source and strength of their power and ability. (pp. 14-15)

The book contains numerous photos and illustrations and is very thorough. describing early American history, Miss Millard writes that "A good wife and mother, as well as a virtuous woman, Martha Washington read her Bible daily, meditating and praying each morning before tackling her daily tasks and responsi-bilities." (p. 103.) Dr. Richard C. Halverson, Chaplain, United States Senate, notes, "Catherine Millard has devoted herself to a study of the Biblical, Judaic/Christian values which are at the root of our blessed nation."

At a time when some of the leading politicians in the nation's capital are cracking up their lives, this book is especially vital. Catherine Millard has performed a valuable service.

Dear Christian Heritage Ministries,

Christian Greetings! I just wanted to let you know that I have been receiving your newsletter and I thank you very much for sending it to me. I enjoy it very much and look forward to each issue. Keep printing and saying the truth, for all that hunger for God's truth. God is always a part of His people's history and nobody can take that away. Some may be blinded and have not seen the light. God is life & history. For all Christians the Bible is their "Heritage" and "Truth".

...I like reading to learn, to search for truth and pass my time with some worth.

I thank you for the time and understanding. ... You all [are] in my prayers and thoughts. Have a Merry Christmas. God bless you!

In Christ's name,

B. H.


Saranac Community Schools
Saranac, Michigan

Christian Heritage Ministries,

Two years ago I began using Dr. Millard's text The Rewriting of America's History in my freshman Civics class. I found that the texts being used in our U.S. History classes and those from which I had to choose for my Civics class, did not correctly exemplify the beliefs and experiences that inspired the Founding Fathers. I began using Dr. Millard's text to propagate discussion and to expose my students to the idea of needing to research and verify facts and opinions of so called 'experts' in order to develop an opinion of their own. One based on facts and not the mere regurgitation of what I have taught them or that they read in the text.

You will never know the astonishment and joy that I experienced when I arrived home to find two boxes of Dr. Millard's history curricula on my doorstep. After reading it I can see that this is exactly what was needed to keep my students involved and active in his or her understanding of this important historical, cultural, and spiritual material. I will be able to use this as a companion text to The Rewriting of America's History and my students will come away with a much deeper understanding of the revisionist movement in our country. I can hope for no more than to have them become as Jefferson called for, "enlightened citizens".

It was a tremendous struggle to get my school district to purchase my original copies of The Rewriting of America's History. It would have taken two or three years to show them the necessity of adding this curriculum to my mandatory reading list. I cannot express the appreciation and gratitude that I am feeling for these books. It truly was an answer to prayer. Even though I faithfully believe that this is the will of our Lord, and as His bond servants we are merely doing His will, I praise Him for you, your organization, and the people who donate time, money, and prayer for the glorification of His name.

Yours in Christ,
K. R. S